
Hello, and welcome to Sukoshi81.com. This blog is dedicated to my life living in Las Vegas, Nevada and my quest in learning all I can about Japan. It has been a dream of mine to eventually live in Japan for quite some time now. So, although I live in Las Vegas, this site will more than likely evolve into a Japanese related blog that deals with culture, fashion, trends, food and more. On the flip side, you will also find small reviews or rants on tech gadgets, food, movies and whatever else comes across my path in life.

Who runs this place?
Well I do, Adam-Lee Smith. Born in Houston, Texas and raised in the US Air Force around the world. My Father was stationed in Houston when I was born and shortly after we had moved to South Korea. After that, I had moved to Okinawa, England, Illinois, Florida, back to Okinawa and finally to Las Vegas, NV. Leaving Okinawa and moving to Las Vegas triggered my obsession of the Japanese Culture, in my opinion and that of my parents, came a bit to late!

I lost the chance to actually learn while I lived in Okinawa, but I was young and had no direction I wanted to follow. Life was more about having fun and hanging out with the friends at Sega World or singing some Karaoke or hanging out at the Sea Wall. So I guess the saying “You don’t know what you have lost, until it is gone” comes into play here. But I like to think that it isn’t totally lost just yet!

What does Sumisu81 Sukoshi81 mean?
Sumisu (katakana: スミス) is the Japanese translation of Smith, my last name. Sukoshi is the romanization of the japanese word 少し meaning “a little” or “a small amount”, often pronounced “Skosh” or “Skoshi” if spoken in a fast conversation, and 81 has a dual role to play. 1981 was the year I was born and 81 represents the country code of Japan. I thought that was a pretty neat coincidence don’t you think?!? So put together, in my train of thought, can mean, a little about “me” or a little of Japan.

Copyright and Usage Information
Not that you would want to, considering my 1st grade level blog posts and mediocre photo skills but here it is…

All text and images from Sukoshi81.com are subject to U.S. and international copyright laws (© 2007-2014 Adam-Lee Smith). No text or image may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated or used whole or in part of a derivative work without the written permission of Adam-Lee Smith. All rights reserved.
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